There is no real answer to this, it will be each persons opinion.
I didn't start dating until I was 16 as I was not allowed.
I believe that it should be once your mature enough to make such a decision.
I think girls should start dating whenever they want to. But just be smart about it. ^^
You should only start dating when you are ready to, never let anyone else force you to do anything you are not ready to do. Some girls just don't feel ready to date until they are 16 or more, and there is nothing wrong with that.
Oh, about 12 or 13, the safest is 16. Gremioman : First don't listen to this guy he doesn't know what he is talking about, when ever you want to start dating girls is perfectly fine, you could even start dating in first grade for all anyone cares, it's all up to you.
Start going out and dating a lot of girls.
I think kids should be able to start dating when they want to.
Get a job.
* Don't chase her. Start going out with your friends and dating other girls. If she really does care for you and sees you dating then she may well pursue you. that age dating is the worst thing you can distracts you from learning ruining your future
Why should it be weird? Girls are girls, wherever they come from, and Asian girls can be especially rewarding.
yea as long as your not dating at least be 13 when u start dating
You should definitely be nice. The girls worth dating respond to guys that are nice to them. The girls that like cocky guys are usually the girls that no one should want to date anyway.
Boys and girls generally start dating in their teens.
12 or 13 A girl should be allowed to have a boyfriend at the age of 12. Speak with your parents and tell them if you want to begin dating, and why you think you should be able to. If they refuse to let you start, tell them they cant keep you the 8 year old they want you to be forever.