If there is no medical contraindication, you can travel as per the advice of your doctor. Travel by railway and air is generally considered as very safe. Short distance travel, on good road, by car, is also safe.
Air travel is considered as a safe way to travel, during pregnancy.
Then the pregnant lady is bitten.
The distance is 568 kilometers. It is not advisable for the pregnant lady to travel such a large distance by car. You have to consult the gynecologist. She will decide on individual basis. You can safely travel by train. There is a train to take you there. I just searched on the Google.
What drugs are dangerous for a pregnant lady?
Lady Gaga is not pregnant. But, I'm sure you're old enough to know how she would've got pregnant if she was.
No she's not pregnant at the moment.
which first Indian lady travel by aeroplane
A pregnant lady is tested for Gestational Diabetes in the third trimester.
A lady, if she is fertile, can get pregnant at any time during her menstrual cycle.
If Lady Gaga one day decides she would like to have kids then yes, she will get pregnant.
If a lady is no longer ovulating then no eggs are being produced and therefore she can no longer become pregnant.