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Yes, it starts wrinkling up

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Q: When people get older do their lips start to get thinner?
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Related questions

Can you make your lips thinner?

One way to make your lips thinner is to have cosmetic surgery. You could also try putting on makeup to try and make them look thinner, such as a lip pencil.

How do you make your lips thinner?

u dont

Why are lips and tongue pink?

Lips are pink because the blood vessels appear through the thinner skin of the lips.

Do lips get larger as they get older?

yes lips do grow

How do you do our lips red?

I learned that our lips are red because 1:they're a thinner skin, 2:there are more nerves in our lips which causes more blood flow making the lips have a red looking color.

How do you keep our lips red naturally?

I learned that our lips are red because 1:they're a thinner skin, 2:there are more nerves in our lips which causes more blood flow making the lips have a red looking color.

Why does people under the age of 30 wear less lipstick?

when people get older the natural pigmentation of their lips start to fade, so that is why most women wear lipstick. younger people don't because it typically looks harsh and more mature, and they prefer lipgloss.

Does your lips get hairy when your older if you put to much lip balm on?

Your lips don't have hair follicles, so they can't get hairy.

Do more women prefer to wear lipstick or lip gloss?

When a woman applies lipstick, it is usually with the intention of coloring the lips. Lip gloss is much thinner and makes the lips look plump and glossy.

What are massive lips?

Massive lips a HUGE lips that people have in hot climates

How do you make lip thinner by home remiedies?

The thinness or thickness of one's lips is a physical trait. It is a hereditary trait and there is not way to change it, short of surgery. Make up techniques can be used to alter the appearance of the lips.

Do people want full lips?

YES THEY DO! And first of all there not called "big lips" they are full lips! Full lips are in fashion, people have surgery for them, people pay millions of dollars for them, people get fat sucked out there butts and have that fat put into their lips. And when they get the surgery it still doesn't look right! .