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I don't and will NEVER like cake so I always had ice cream. you can also have:

- Ice cream sundaes

- Fun, awesome cupcakes that are different.

Yes it is cake (sorta) but that way it isn't as overwhelming as a slice of cake. I was brave and had homemade cookie and cream cupcakes that were the BOMB!!!

-And you can always have a pie.

just some ideas, go to your local bakery to get some ideas! Have fun!

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Q: When its your birthday what can you have instead of cake?
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Is it a birthday cake. If so, it is added to your account on your birthday.

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The person having the birthday!

What do you call birthday cake in Canada?

Canadians (for the most part speak English) so a birthday cake would be called a birthday cake. However, for the francophones (french speakers) in Canada a birthday cake would be called: gâteau d'anniversaire

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Wedding cakes, birthday cakes,Mardi Gras cakes,simnel cake, mooncake, and Stollen Babka cake.