I don't and will NEVER like cake so I always had ice cream. you can also have:
- Ice cream sundaes
- Fun, awesome cupcakes that are different.
Yes it is cake (sorta) but that way it isn't as overwhelming as a slice of cake. I was brave and had homemade cookie and cream cupcakes that were the BOMB!!!
-And you can always have a pie.
just some ideas, go to your local bakery to get some ideas! Have fun!
That way multiple people can eat the cake, instead of eating like savages.
You can get a birthday cake when it is your birthday.
you have a birthday cake
Bella's birthday cake was Pink.
A name-day cake is the same a birthday cake. There is no specific recipe for a name-day cake. In Russia, historically, people celebrated their name day instead of their birthday. A name day is the day in the Church calendar dedicated to the saint, after whom one is named. So, if I my name Ivan, my name day is April 27, regardless of when I was born. With more first names of foreign origins, as well as made-up names, making their way into the Russian culture in the early 20th century, it became impractical to celebrate name day, as many kids would not have a corresponding saint. Still, the birthday is often colloquially referred to as one's "name day" (imeniny in Russian) and the birthday cake (which would sound very awkward in Russian) is called a "name-day cake" instead.
Birthday surprises
She honored Michael Jackson with a cake on his 44th birthday.
Is it a birthday cake. If so, it is added to your account on your birthday.
The birthday cake originated in Greece as a yearly sacrifice to the gods.
The person having the birthday!
Canadians (for the most part speak English) so a birthday cake would be called a birthday cake. However, for the francophones (french speakers) in Canada a birthday cake would be called: gâteau d'anniversaire
Wedding cakes, birthday cakes,Mardi Gras cakes,simnel cake, mooncake, and Stollen Babka cake.