Zigzags real name is Ricky.
because when the light enters the atmosphere it goes in zigzags or long dot zigzags
JULY 29, 1961, His name is Mark Holmes not Mark Holes
A rabbit zigzags because it is harder for the predator to catch it.
theydon't go all swirly they go in zigzags and hover like a helicopter
Alaska, out toward the end of the Aleutian chain.
it represents nothing it's just a pattern like 0 + 0 + 0 +
The trenches were dug in zigzags so the large machine guns cant take it out with one round
Life has it's ups and downs. She says" look at the zigzags the mountins and the vallys."
In the United States, you have to be 18 years old to purchase a pack of zigzags.
The cast of Zigzags - 1978 includes: Pierre Baton as Le commissaire Dufresne Philippe Bellay Jean Davy as Le procureur Lantier Pierre Forget Serge Lhorca Maryvonne Schiltz as Chris Luc Simon as Vadja Claude Villers as Courtois