2 weeks
2 weeks after sex. The test is not accurate before that.
2 weeks after your 1st missed period
You ovulate two weeks before menstruation - thus the soonest you'd skip a period is that first period, two weeks after you get pregnant.
She tried to reach her home soonest. This is an example sentence using the word soonest.
You can pretty much get pregnant right away since you are highly fertile afterwards but you should wait with having sex for a month and 5 months more until you try to get pregnant.
She hoped to finish her assignment at the soonest possible time.
Be truthful and tell them why you told them that in the first place! Tell the truth the soonest you can.
She was the soonest to finish the assignment. The red car was the soonest across the finish line.
Yes!!! Remember Dative :soon Comparative ; sooner Superlative ; soonest .
Comparative: sooner Superlative: soonest
Usually 8 days after intercourse is the soonest that you can accurately tell if you are pregnant or not.