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ovulation, about 2 weeks or 14 days into your menstrual cycle.

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Q: When is the most fertile time of the month?
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What is fertile time of women?

During "that time" of the month thats when she is most fertile

When you are fertile does that reduce the chances of becoming pregnant?

The fertile time is the most likely time to get pregnant.

In which season do most women conceive?

Humans can make babies any time of the year, unlike most mammals. Women are fertile once a month, for about 2 days of the month. So there is no season for human females, all the seasons are the same.

When is a woman most at chance of ovulation?

The time between having a period ...( Two weeks After Or Two weeks Before!!)

When is not fertile days?

if you mean when are the days you cant get pregnant... there are non the best you can do is to do the deed right before that time of the month

How likely is pregnancy at the most fertile time of the month with no contraception?

You have about a 12-24 hour window of getting pregnant with a 25%-35% chance! * Conception usually occurs about 5-7 days after intercourse * Your most fertile period is about 5 days before ovulation * For most(but not all) women ovulation occurs about 14 days prior to her period.

What is the superlative for fertile?

Most fertile is the superlative for fertile.

What month is sailing most popular?

There is no particular month, but summer time is most popular.

What is comparative and superlative degree of fertile?

more fertile, most fertile

Is it possible to get pregnant having two periods in one month for the first time?

Yes! You can! I had my three kids! Each of them every time after I have two periods with in one month. So I find out that I am most fertile the next month after that so I usually try having kids after my 2nd period! Worked for me 3 times already. I don't know how but it works for me! Haven't met anyone that has kids after having two periods in one month!

Is a woman most fertile after having a baby?

Yes. A woman is fertile pretty much every day of the month. Only 12% of all women ovulate on the same day every month so unless you check every month you don't know when you ovulate. The sperms also live inside for almost a week. A orgasm can also make you ovulate again.

Is it possible that a woman could be fertile in one month?

from the time a girl/woman starts her first menstrual she has the ability to become pregnant. but, you are only fertile between 12-24hours. then the ovum will being to break down. your only fertile those hours every25-35 days. that's why people arent pregnant every time they have intercourse.