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when you are giving birth

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Q: When is the moment of conception?
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How long after conception does it take to fertilize a turkey egg?

Conception is the moment of fertilization.

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When do you acquire your unique genotype?

at the moment of conception when the male and female gametes fuse together. at the moment of conception when the male and female gametes fuse together.

When does life begin for Catholics?

Life begins at the instant of conception when God puts the soul in the newly formed baby.

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When do christians think life begins?

If this question is in regards of abortion matters. Life begins at conception. From the moment of conception, God is crafting a person in the womb of a woman.

Is the Immaculate Conception the same as the Blessed Virgin Mary?

True. The Immaculate Conception refers to the protection from original sin that Mary enjoyed from the moment she was conceived in the womb of her mother.

What is more immoral aborting the embryo or fetus?

It's the same. Life starts from the moment of conception.

Can pregnancy symptoms such as cramping start right after conception?

You will start to notice symptoms about two weeks after conception but it can vary for each woman. The likelihood of it happening the exact moment you conceive is low though.

Does the phases of the moon influence the babies gender?

No. Gender is determined at the moment of conception by which sperm reaches the egg first.

When did the son of god take on human nature?

At the beginning of incarnation i.e. at the very first moment of his conception in Mary's womb.

What is the thesis statement in Born To Be Different reading?

The thesis statement in "Born To Be Different" is that embracing our unique qualities and characteristics is essential for personal growth and fulfillment. It emphasizes the importance of self-acceptance and celebrating our differences in order to live authentically.