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Two weeks after.

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Q: When is the best time to test if your pregnant?
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When is the best time to do a blood test to determine if you are pregnant?

as soon as you think you are pregnant.

When is the best time to have an Aminocentesis test?

When you are 15-20 weeks pregnant.

Is there a time of day that is best for taking a pregnancy test?

No, the time of day has nothing to do of whether or not you will know if you are pregnant. It just depends on the level of hormones you have present at the time you take the test.

When is the best time to take a pregnancy test after pregnancy?

"After pregnancy?"If you know you are pregnant then don't take the test.Lmao -_-

What are the colors that you are not pregnant on a pregnancy test?

Every test is different, you would have to refer to your instructions for the test. Or you could simplify your life and grab a digital test next time at the store that reads a clear pregnant or not pregnant.

Is it possible for a negative pregnancy test result to indicate that you are not pregnant?

Yes, a negative pregnancy test result typically indicates that you are not pregnant at the time of the test.

When is the best time to schedule doctor appointment after finding out through positive home pregnancy test of being pregnant?

ASAP! :-) Congratulations!

What is the best pregnancy test to get?

one that tells u if your pregnant

What will happen if you get pregnant?

well obviously you have a baby on the way you get morning sickness and some of the time you crave for food best advice do a pregnency test

If you have your period but think your pregnant when do you test?

if you have your period, you're not pregnant. any time after 5 days after sex is accurate, period or not. other than that a blood test any time.

Can After a Miscarriage the hcg levels still be high and show pregnant on a test and not be pregnant?

Yes it takes about 2 months for the hormones to settle and during that time the test will show pregnant.

Will a ovulation test show positive even if your pregnant?

it should show you are pregnant Hello there. A Ovulation test will ONLY come out positive when LSH....the Ovulating hormone has been found in your urine. Some women do claim to of had a positive Ovulation test during early pregnancy but this information is so inconclusive that its not a reliable pregnancy testing method at this time. To determine if you are pregnant, its adviseable to buy a pregnancy test and see your doctor for a blood test to be certain.