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14 days after your period has ended up until your next period

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Q: When is the best time to conceive after your period?
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When is the best time in the month to conceive?

Right after your period is best.

What is the Best Time to Conceive for pregnancy?

i read in a book that the best time to conceive is 2 days before the start of your period.

Is right before or right after your period the best time to conceive?

the best time is 2 weeks after the beginning of your last period, if you're on a 28 day cycle.

When are women more likely to conceive?

Women are most likely to conceive at the time of ovulation. Ovulation can happen a week after your period until your next period.

When will you expect ovulation period if last period was January 28th2010?

The days around ovulation (between 10 to 16 days before your next period) are when you are at your most fertile. So, if you are trying to conceive (get pregnant), this is the best time of the month to have unprotected sex with your partner.

When is the best time to conceive-?

The best time to conceive is when a woman is ovulating. In a regular 28 day cycle, ovulation would occur roughly around mid-cycle. This is when the egg is being released from an ovary and is ready to be fertilized by sperm.

If your last period was July 4 what date did you conceive?

You conceive almost immediately after you have sex.

After getting over your period are you most likely to get pregnant or not?

You can get pregnant anytime. After finishing your period the chances of conceiving are very slim to slim as the days gradually pass and during your fertile time the chance of pregnancy is very high then it decreases to slim again. You can conceive during anytime but your fertile period is the best time to try.

Can you conceive the morning of your period?

Yes, period or not, you can conceive a child. Even if someone hasn't started their period they can get pregnant because they never know when they're about to start. No one should use their period as an excuse to have unprotected sex.

When is the best time to have intercourse to conceive?

The day before ovulation and 24 hours later.

What is the time period between each pregnancy?

With horses there must be a 8 month period after giving birth before the mare should be allowed to conceive again.

If your fiance came inside of you 2 weeks after your period can you be pregnant?

Ten days after a period is the optimum time to conceive. So 2 weeks is about right. Congratulations.