Women are considered most fertile during the 10 to 18 days following their last menstrual cycle.
Try July that is great time there.
a woman can get pregnant with a baby the FIRST time she EVER has SEX even if she has NO PERIODS! and you are at risk of getting pregnant always. use birth control
i read in a book that the best time to conceive is 2 days before the start of your period.
It is the time when the baby is first created. This is when the egg is fertilized.
the baby was born april 6 around what time was it conceived
Right after your period is best.
After age 18, there's no perfect time to have a baby. There are however studies that show that after age 30-35, it is not as good an idea to conceive, because of the risks on the baby's health. It's best to get doctor approval first, in order to make a better decision.
the best time to conceive is NEVER because when you get pregnant, you get AIDS
Sexual intercourse at the woman's most fertile time is the easiest way to produce a child. If that is not producing the desired results, there are other ways a doctor can help you to conceive.
The best time to conceive is when a woman is ovulating. In a regular 28 day cycle, ovulation would occur roughly around mid-cycle. This is when the egg is being released from an ovary and is ready to be fertilized by sperm.
What dose it means when a baby hits a woman? in the face all the time
Yes. Women with fibroids usually have no harder of a time trying to conceive than a normal woman. However you should tell your Dr right away that you have them because they can cause a few risks during pregnancy.