There are quite a number of various ways that one can receive a copy of the Hasbro toy catalog. One way would be to go to the Hasbro website and purchase one.
toys r us
on boxing day the day after Christmas toys r us opens at 8:00 if not check on the official website of toys r us and the opening times for boxing day should be listed
Christmas themed plush toys can be purchased from Amazon, Etsy, Planet Penguin, Town Square Toys, Toys Paradise, Toys R Us, Fiesta Toy and The Jungle Store.
Toys R Us always has pretty decent sales. After Christmas, they usually have big discounts. Especially the day right after Christmas. There are usually big discounts on this day.
toys for tots
The Toys for Tots foundation is a charity founded and governed by the US Marines. Each year at Christmas time they donate thousands of toys to children in need.
sorry no they don't open toys r us on December the 25th due to Christmas they do not open it till 8:00 am on boxing day (the day after Christmas on the 26th)
You can always find a free catalog (catalogue in British spelling) right at the Toys R Us store, or on their website (the logo on the store building has a backwards letter R and on the website the R is shown as "R").
Umm no , because its a holiday