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The lights are going to be lit on December 3, 2008 7-9pm. If you are asking when it will be set up I am not sure. I was there for Thanksgiving last year and it was up, but there was scafolding surrounding it until the last day I was there the Saturday before the lighting.

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Q: When is the 2008 Rockefeller Christmas tree up?
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When do they put up the Rockefeller Christmas Tree?

The Rockefeller Christmas Tree is put up on Thanksgiving day each year on that last Thursday of the month of November it is a beautiful sight to see in the park.

Does the New York City Christmas tree get its branches trimmed and reassembled on-site?

The NYC Christmas tree is put up in Rockefeller Center each year. The tree is brought in from nearby states. The tree is cut down and tied onto a large truck for transport with the branches tied down. The branches are not trimmed off.

When do new yorks Christmas lights go up?


What lights up on a Christmas tree?

Usually, strings of Christmas lights light up a Christmas Tree. Nowadays, the lights are more likely to be LEDs.

A thesis for Taylor swift grew up on a Christmas tree farm?

Yeah, she did grow up on a Christmas tree farm

Why was a Christmas tree in Taylor Swift's life?

Because she grew up on a Christmas Tree farm.

Who was the first president to put up a Christmas tree?

Franklin Pierce had the first Christmas tree put up in the White House.

What does Americans do to celebrate Christmas?

Americans put a Christmas tree up and put stockings up and put gifts under the tree

When will the Christmas tree be delivered to Rockefeller center in New York?

The Rockefeller Center Christmas tree will be lit this year (2011) on Wednesday November 30.When: Wednesday, November 30 7pm-9pm.Where: Rockefeller Plaza, between 49th-51st streets and 5th-6th avenues.How to get there: Take the 6 train to 51st/Lexington or the B/D/F/V trains to 47-50 Streets/Rockefeller Center.Other details:There will be live and taped performances during the ceremony. The ceremony is broadcast on TV around the world, and tens of thousands of spectators are expected to join together for the lighting.The tree will be put up at an earlier date. It will be lit on Nov. 30 and remain up until early January. With the exception of Christmas (when the tree is lit for 24 hours) and New Year's (when the lights go off at 9pm), the lights will be on from 5:30 am until 11:30pm daily.Fun facts: crowning the tree will be a Swarovsky crystal star. Some 30,000 small lights adorn the tree on five miles of wire!

How do you get your mother to put up the Christmas tree early?

Persuade her to get an artificial tree which can last all of Christmas.

What kind of farm did Taylor swift grew up on?

Yes, she grew up on a Christmas Tree Farm in Reading, Pennsylvania.

Do people in Chile put up a Christmas tree for Christmas?
