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Day one of the menstrual cycle is THE DAY YOU START BLEEDING, THE DAY YOU START GETTING YOUR MENSTRUAL FLOW. This is the day you start counting your cycle, until you get the first day of the next period, this is, that is the fist day of that new cycle. DO NOT start counting from the last day of your period, that is a common mistake. It is important when you visit a physician to know when was your last menstrual period, so try and keep record of it in some form of agenda or excel page. When a doctor asks, "when was your last menstrual period?" he or she will count on you to remember this date, it is important health information and you should be responsible to remember it. He or she are expecting to hear the date of the FIRST DAY of your last, and therefore, most recent menstrual period. I'm a general physician, so, I'm telling you, for us, this is important.

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Why does blood appear on day one of the cycle?

Day one of the menstrual cycle is the first day of menstruation. This is why you'd have blood on the first day of your cycle, because this is your period.

Do you bleed at the end or the beginning of your cycle?

You bleed at the beginning, not the end of your cycle. Day one of the menstrual cycle is the first day of your period.

Does the average 28 day cycle include menstruation days?

The average menstrual cycle last 28 days. The first day of the menstrual cycle is the first day of menstruation. About one fourth of the whole cycle is menstruation.

How long is one billing cycle?

too long , because a payment cycle is one day two max.

Im trying to get pregnant dont you start counting the day you start your period until 14 days then them are your fertal days?

If you have a 28 day cycle, then yes, your cycle day 14 would be your most fertile day. Day one of your cycle is the first day of your period.

What marks the end of one menstrual cycle and beginning of another?

The menstrual cycle begins Day 1 of your period, about half way through the cycle you ovulate and the last day is the day before your next period starts. Day 1 begins the cycle all over again. The last day of your cycle tells you the length of your cycle, on average between 24 and 34 days, although longer and shorter cycles are still "normal".

What is each 24 hour cycle of day and night called?

Each 24-hour cycle of day and night is called a day. It consists of one period of sunlight (daytime) and one period of darkness (nighttime).

Is the egg released on the fourteen day from the day your period started?

When you ovulate depends on your own menstrual cycle and it can change from one cycle to the next - you can sometimes tell when you are ovulating with testing kits but monitoring your cycle with fertility awareness method is the best way to determine when you ovulate. During a typical 28 day cycle a woman will ovulate 14 days BEFORE menstruation, which would also be 14 days into the menstrual cycle (the first day of your period is day one of your menstrual cycle).

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What cycle determines a day on a planet?

one rotation of its sun

What happens if you start your next pack one day early?

your cycle will just move one day forwards.

Your cycle is 33 days when are you likely to conceive?

Day one of the cycle is the first day of bleeding. Fourteen (14) days after the start of the cycle, ovulation occurs. That is the time at which pregnancy can take place.