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It's not called a baby until week 38 of pregnancy or when it's born (even if it's before week 38).

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Q: When is a baby considered a baby?
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No, the baby is not considered your husbands. (If you are sure that the baby was because of someone else, and not your husband.)

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Your baby is considered to be one month old on the same date of the month as their birthdate.

When is a baby considered to be 1 month old?

A baby is considered to be 1 month old on the same day of the month they were born. For example, if a baby is born on January 5th, they would be considered 1 month old on February 5th.

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A baby born before 37 weeks gestation

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A child is typically no longer considered a baby after their first year of life, around the age of 1.

When is a baby considered to be one month old?

A baby is considered to be one month old on the same date as their birthdate, one month later.

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No. You are not an adult till you are 18. If you have a baby before that, it just means you are a kid with a baby.

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when is a baby considered to be born

What is a baby liger called?

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