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Q: When is Saint Sarah's birthday?
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Related questions

What is the plural possessive form of Sarah?

The plural form for the proper noun Sarah is Sarahs; the plural possessive form is Sarahs'.Example: The two Sarahs in my class are cousins and the Sarahs' last names are the same as well.

Who is your birthday saint?

Your birthday saint is the saint or saints whose feast day falls on your birthday. Your other patron saints are the saint for whom you are named and the saint you chose as your confirmation saint.

Is Sarah a proper noun?

No, if you put Sarahs it is if your saying, its Sarahs pet you would do Sarah's

Is sarahs a possessive noun?

No, the form Sarahs is the plural for the proper noun Sarah: There are two Sarahs in my class.The singular possessive form is Sarah's; the plural possessive form is Sarahs'.Note: The noun Sarah (Sarahs) is a proper noun, the name of a person. Proper nouns are always capitalized.

Does your saint go by your birthday or your name?

Your primary saint is the saint for whom you are named. Your other patron saint is the saint whose feast day falls on your birthday.

What is that on Sarahs arm?

it is cooldude18

What do Sarahs eat?


When is Saint Mildred's birthday?

Her birthday is unknown.

Can you tell me which saint shares his birthday with Shakespeares?

April 23, traditionally believed to be Shakespeare's birthday, is Saint George's day. However, that does not mean that it is Saint George's birthday. Saint's days are the anniversary of their deaths, not their births.

How many Sarahs are there?

Only one

Who murdered sarahs parents in house of Anubis?

Victor. But now i think of it sarahs out of it can victor or rufisbe her father??

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