Lily Evans in Harry Potter was born on this date
Lily Evans marries James Potter. They are Harry's parents.
Lily Evans has red hair and green eyes.
Lily evans
Lily Potter's parents were named Mr. and Mrs. Evans. Lily was born Lily Evans before she married James Potter.
Yes, Susie Shinner played teenage Lily Evans.
His mother's name was Lily Evans before she was married.
Her name was Lily Evans. The actress that player her is Geraldine Somerville.
Lily Evans changed her name to Potter when she married James Potter.
No, Lily (Evans) Potter was killed when she was 21 years old. She died protecting her son, Harry Potter.
Lily Potter nee Evans is Harry Potter's mother. Also Harry's daughter is named Lily Luna Potter
Evans: single Potter: married to James final verdict: yes