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Q: When is Indigo Vanity's Birthday?
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When is davhie vanitys birthday?

his bithday is on september 5th 1985

What is dahvie vanitys birthday?

September 3 or 5 :]

What is Indigo's birthday?

Indigo is 27 years old (birthdate: June 25, 1984).

What is dahvie vanitys Skype?


What is dahvie vanitys favorite food?


What is dahvie vanitys favorite drink?

He doesn't drink

What is dahvie vanitys blood type?

B positive

What is Nicole Vanitys real name?

Vanessa Gomez is her real name

What is dahvie vanitys favorite bands?

In an interview, Dahvie said that Jefree Star and Bring Me The Horizon.

How do you pronucne dahvie vanitys first name?

Its pronounced "Dah-vie" like Davie with an "H" sound

What are four things that are indigo?

Indigo, indigo crayons, indigo colored paper, and indigo colored shirts.

What color indigo in Tagalog?
