Alex is 2222
Alex Garcia
September 8th
The guitarist from Mayday Parade. He radiates AWESOMENESS. I'm being totally serious This is not a joke I'm just trying to make bars of writing but he is great. His favorite song to play is Walk on Water or Drown
As a band they would spend a lot of time climbing onto the rooftops in Tallahassee, especially when the winter parade was going on downtown. Alex, who was a fan of the word Mayday, made the suggestion that they name the band Mayday Parade in an effort to remember their time spent watching the hometown parades together from the rooftops. Everyone loved the idea and the name stuck.
Derek Sanders's girlfriend just had their baby, so he definitely has one. Alex has a girlfriend, Jeremy and so does Jake. i'm not sure with Brooks though. :)
Is this what you neeed? Derek Sanders - Vocals ; Jeremy Lenzo - Bass guitar, vocals ; Alex Garcia - Guitar ; Brooks Betts - Guitar ; Jake Bundrick - Drums, percussion, vocals Wikipedica
Derek Sanders: 11th July Brooks Betts: 18th June Jake Bundrick: 2nd September Jeremy Lenzo: 19th June Alex Garcia: 8th September Jason Lancaster: 22nd September
Alex Constancio's birthday is August 4th
Alex's Mom
alex's birthday is November 1, 1997 nat's birthday is December 17, 1994
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