Not as of his 38th birthday in 2012. Adam Khoo was born April 8, 1974.
December 30th (just like mine I guess this would be the hot persons birthday) *flips hair* *roller blades the f outta here*
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Melissa Blades was born on December 7, 1967, in Houston, Texas, USA.
Adam Hamza is 5'.
Rubén Blades was born on July 16, 1948.
James Blades was born on September 9, 1901.
Adam Blades address is not posted on the enternet yet, sorry!
Adam Irigoyen's birthday is on August 5th, 1997.
No, Adam Hick's birthday is November 28.
his birthday is on the 18 of march love u Adam
Adam Mitchel Lambert's Birthday Is January 29th 1982.
the person who hadthe first birthday is adam or jesus because adam was made after jesus so they both have the same birthday
Adam Sandler was born on September 9, 1966
Adam Gontier was born on May 21, 1978.
Adam Hills was born on July 10, 1970.
Adam Foote was born on July 10, 1971.