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Every month in a normal menstrual cycle, the ovaries prepare for the release of an egg or ova. At the same time, the lining of your uterus thickens with blood and tissue to prepare for a possible pregnancy. If male sperm are not united with the ova around the time of ovulation, the lining of the uterus is shed and you have your menstrual period. Between the time of ovulation and the time of your menstrual period, you will have about 10-14 days of what is called the luteal phase (pronounced loo-tee-al). During this time, the follicle or house that the ova was in before it was released (the corpus luteum) continues to produce luteinizing hormone. When this hormone drops off, you have your period.

You may even notice that mid-way through your cycle you experience a slight twinging pain to the right or the left of your abdomen. If you do, what you are experiencing is the actual moment of ovulation, which is pretty cool!

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