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Dr. Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik's birthday is the same as Sonic's; June 23rd.

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What are the names for Dr. Eggmans bots?

Cubot and Orbot

What is eggmans biggest creation?

Isn't it obvious? The Death Egg!

Is robotnik eggmans brother?

Robotnik is eggman its a nickname tails gave him.

Who is eggmans mom?

In The Adventure Of Sonic The Hedgehog (Aosth) His Mother Is Mama Robotnik

Was Shadow the Hedgehog created by Dr Eggmans grandfather?

Yep sure was. And also with the help of Black Doom.

What is eggmans role in Beauty and the Beast?

the dr.eggman from Sonic the hedgehog!? XD OMG!! He MUST be the ugly beast guy!

Is shadow on eggman's side?

i wouldnt say he is if i had to say something i would say hes neither on sonics or eggmans side

What is dr eggmans job?

He doesn't really have a job. He's just a scientist guy tryng to take over the world.

What happens when all the colors come together?

sonic turns into a powerfull laser that totaly destroys eggmans nega wisp macine

Who is were Sonic?

Were Sonic or most commonly known as the werehog is a character from the game Sonic Unleashed.Sonic becomes the werehog by being hit by Eggmans ray.He only turns into the werehog at night.

How do you stop doctor eggmans plans on sonic thΓ© hedgehog videogames?

The generally accepted method is to beat both his machines and his person into a pulp using your own body as a projectile weapon.

Is sonic and shadow related in some secret way?

No. The shadow that's around now was actually created in a lab by Eggmans Grandfather, Professor Gerald on the ARK 50 years ago.