Yes, but they can also be symptoms of ovulation (releasing an egg). take a pregnancy test if you miss your next period
Every pregnancy is somewhat different from not worry that the lack of tiredness will affect your pregnancy.
It's usually tiredness and in some woman some morning sickness might occur!
Pregnancy, stress, tiredness, illness, extreme excitement, extreme upsetment, anxiety etc.
Tiredness is one of the earliest symptoms of pregnancy, and some women do experience it as early as 3 weeks pregnant so yes, this is normal.
The Robitussin should have no affect on your pregnancy but you should check with your doctor. You find that many of the symptoms of pregnancy reduce after 13 weeks, the tiredness, nausea, sore breasts etc all tend to get better and you start to 'bloom'. You have probably been feeling so sick with the cough you hadn't noticed the pregnancy symptoms diminishing.
Without a pregnancy test, the only thing you can do is look for physical signs of pregnancy. Ex. Nausea/vomiting Weight gain breast sensitivity and swelling Fatigue/tiredness
The color of your urine does indicate a pregnancy, whether there are or ar not other symptoms present, it just doesnt.
It is possible that these symptoms could be indicative of pregnancy, especially if you had unprotected sex during your period. However, these symptoms could also be related to other health issues. The only way to know for sure if you are pregnant is to take a pregnancy test.
A symptom for extreme tiredness is extreme tiredness
Yes, a back ache can be a symptom of pregnancy, but don't just go on that. There are many other signs, such as: sore breasts, nausea, morning sickness, intense tiredness etc. You should take a pregnancy test just to be sure.