In Oaklahoma, the season will begin the first Saturday before Thanksgiving and continue for 16 consecutive days.
When dose deer season start in Oklahoma
The hunting season for Haywood County, North Carolina, begins for bow and arrow from September 7 to October 3 and then October 12 to November 21. Muzzleloader for deer season is from October 5 to October 10. Gun for deer season is from November 23 until December 12.
Did you get an answer to this? I need to know as well. Thansk! Stef
In most states, half an hour before sunrise to half an hour after sunset.
Bow season is often longer than rifle season due to the increased difficulty and skill required for hunting with a bow. Bow hunting typically allows for a closer range to the animal, resulting in a higher chance of not harvesting an animal. Having a longer season provides bow hunters with more opportunities to practice their skills and increase their chances of successfully harvesting an animal.
Deer taken by gun rifle/slug and by bow.
no but if its deer hunting season then yes
Deer hunting season ends on January 31, 2009 in Alabama. For other season dates check the website:
The 7.65mm Mauser rifle is MORE than adequate for deer hunting- IF a soft point hunting cartridge is used. Full metal jacket military ammo should not be used for hunting.
Hunting season is in the fall so that the newborns from the last spring have grown enough to fend for themselves. The adult females are not carrying young and the males are in rut, making them fair game.