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The female reproductive system is designed to produce and support pregnancy. Each month the walls of the uterus thicken and develop a rich system of blood vessels in order to made a "nest" for the embryo. when this process is completed, one (usually) ovary will send an egg down the fallopian tube to the uterus. If the egg is fertilized it attaches itself to the uterine wall, and the pregnancy begins. If it is not fertilized, the "nest" sloughs off and exits the body in the Menstrual flow. Exactly When the egg is released in this process has been a question that people have been trying to answer for Generations, because, if we knew That, it would be easy to come up with a contraceptive method that would be simple and foolproof. The answer is that every woman is different, every month is different, and we just plain don't know. It usually happens about the middle of the cycle (1st day of period - 1st day of period) but just When in the middle nobody knows. The upshot is that the only time you can be Sure that a woman Can't get pregnant is during her period.

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Q: When does a women produce an egg?
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The ovaries are the glands that produce the egg cells. In humans, women are only born with a finite number of eggs which means they are only fertile for a certain amount of time.

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Glands that produce the egg cells and hormones are the ovaries.

Why women get their periods?

The ovaries produce an egg which makes it way to the uterus via the fallopian tubes. The uterus is prepared for the egg to be attached to its wall. If the egg does not get fertilised by the male sperm, the uterus lining and the egg is shed. This cycle is repeated every month and is called the periods.

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They produce the egg, and they also produce estrogen.

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Women are born with a finite (limited) amount of ovocytes. At the age of puberty, one of these ovocytes matures into an egg every month in a process known as ovulation. Knowing this, a woman produces eggs only once in their life while in the womb of her mother.