The average age of menarche (first period) is 13 years old.
Anything from 8 years old to 18 years old is considered normal - there are also girls who start to menstruate under the age of 8 years old, known as precocious puberty.
when a girl bleeds a little out of her vagina it means she is spotting and probably will start her period soon.
When you first start your period you might have a little discomfort but it only lasts a couple of days with some bleeding of course.
Yes, you can start at any weight.
Yes this is most likely your period but it is a little dry but its normal later it will be red instead of brown so start wearing pads girl and congratulations
Girls usually get their first period between the ages of 11-15.
It is normal to start your period from the age of 11 - 16but the youngest girl to start her period was about 3 but that is EXTREMELY rarei was 13 :)hope this helps x
9-13 years old I have always heard it was 9-17 I thought you had to be 11 to start your period!!!!
First you grow hair on the Regina then you start to bleed and I don't know more
Yes, almost every girl gets their period. Sometimes you might not get it until your older than 16, other times you can start at 9 or maybe even younger. It all depends on your body type for when you start your regular period.
yes, but in a condition if girl in period time,
It is possible if you have not started your period yet, you may be fixing to start soon.