When they've gotten to know each other, and the both feel they could grow old together.
(Usually minimal of 1 year, that's what it takes to get past puppydog-honeymoon dating phase and start opening up to each other with all their little quirks)
A guy may propose to a girl when he feels ready to commit to a serious relationship with her and wants to symbolize their love and dedication through marriage. This decision is based on their emotional connection, mutual respect, and readiness to take the relationship to the next level.
aks the computer player guy to move in with your girl sim and then have the now controllable guy propose to her.
An uncontrollable Sim cannot propose in the Sims 2. So have your guy or girl Sim propose.
Have the girl propose to the man.
The guy sim might not be proposing because he is the computer. Most of the time you have be the 1 to propose. You also might have to build the relationship a bit more.
Well I wouldn't propose to her. If you are trying to get her to break up with her boyfriend, I don't suggest that either. In my experience I found liking a girl in a relationship is difficult. She might have feelings for the guy and the plan might backfire on you. If not, well would you trust this girl after she broke up with this guy for another guy? Unless the guy is a total douche.She might just to the same to you. Karma is a b{tch.
Of course. And if the guy does get an answer like this and he doesn't run away as fast as he can, he has to be nuts.
maybe he doesn't like her, or is not ready.
The girl can propose too. My mom did to my dad
You probably just caught him off guard and he didnt know what to say...
so a girl have to propose tha e guy... its 21st century dear.. both the genders male and female are equal.. and its also possible that the guy is thinking that the girl is his ordinary friend.. so its better to clear the matter unless it will going to hurt anyone forever..
There is no way to propose if you don't know the girl and what is the point in proposing?
The exact same way you would propose anyone you'd want to propose.