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Not sure what you mean but if it is when in the menstrual cycle it is usually about 2 weeks before the next period.

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Q: When does a girl become the most fertile?
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Can a girl be fertile 3 days before her period?

No, you become fertile after your period. ITs called a menstruel cycle because you menstrate first, then ovulate.

What changes in the reproductive organs during puberty allow a boy or girl to procreate?

In males, the testis become larger and can produce mature sperm. in males, the ovaries become fertile. Only fertile sperm and eggs can reproduce.

Can you be pregnant if you are fertile?

yes, you have to be fertile to become pregnant.

When in a menstruation cycle is it most likely a girl becomes pregnant?

Women are most fertile about 14 days before the start of their period.

What is the superlative for fertile?

Most fertile is the superlative for fertile.

If you have had pid how do you become fertile?

More than likely you are still fertile if you have PID.

What is comparative and superlative degree of fertile?

more fertile, most fertile

Is it possible to get a girl pregnant if the boy is 13?

yes, if the girl is fertile.

When do you know that a girl is fertile or not?

A young girl is usually fertile some time after her first period. She is still too young. Take your temperature everyday first thing in the morning. After three months, this should give you a good idea of when you are most fertile. Your temp wil be slightly elevated for three or four days in a row when you are ovulating.

When does a boy become fertile?

He is 100% fertile at the time of birth. Fertility declines with age.

How long is a girl fertile?

until menopause.