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People say its not true so I dont know my teacher says its true jack will come back.....

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Q: When does Titanic II Jack Is Back coming to the theaters?
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Who is Jack in Titanic 2?

Titanic 2 will be coming out next summer, but i am not sure who plays Jack.

Where do Jack and rose meet in titanic?

They met on the ship Titanic of corse! Jack and Rose met when Rose is planning to commit suicide by jumping off the back of the Titanic. Jack convices her not to and then they began to talk

Who plays Jack is back in titanic?

Jack Dawson is played by Leonardo DiCaprio

Is there a Titanic 2 coming out this year?

There is not a sequel to the Titanic from 1997, but there are several trailers about a movie many call "Titanic II, Jack is bak". They are aal fan made. There is no movie called Titanic II Jack is back. But there is a movie called Titanic II, but it't not a sequel to the original Titanic from 1997. It came directly to DVD in 2010.

Release date for Titanic 2 in theaters?

they had made a Titanic 2 movie but decided to keep it real and stick to the original which was based on a true story then to make something up that everyone knows can never happen so they never did release it or put it on DVD

Was Jack on the Titanic in 1912?

Jack Thayer was on the titanic in 1912.

Is jack and rose really go on titanic?

jack and rose were not on the real titanic.

Who did Jack from the Titanic live with?

If you mean jack from the film Titanic (1997) he is not real.

What happened to Jack after he died on the Titanic?

jack died on the titanic when it sunk him an rose

Was there a rose and Jack in Titanic?

yes there where a rose and jack on Titanic

How old was Jack Thayer when the Titanic sank?

Jack Thayer was still young, at 17, while sailing Titanic. His mother survived Titanic but his father did not. Later, a year after his mother passed. when Jack's son was killed in combat, he took his own life.

Was Jack dorson on Titanic?

Its Jack Dawson and no Jack never existed on the real Titanic they just made him up for the movie cuz the movie is about Titanic and romance.