when all the nice people have a present
when all the naughty people have coal
Santa would finish delivering the presesnts at 1pm GMT-0
Santa is a person that if you beleve in him he exists.
Santa isn't buried. He is still alive and well, and delivering presents.
Not till December 25th sorry.
Where Santa WHAT? You need to finish your question before it can be answered.
Santa usually stops by on December 25, the same time when he is delivering presents on the US Eastern sea border :)
Santa has elves who came to work for him. He doesn't usually see many dwarves, unless they are coming to visit, or he is delivering presents to them.
probably... it's a lot of presents! =D
I heard that track Santa is a service you can use to see exactly where Santa is on his route of delivering presents to kids. The site is called tracksanta dot com.
Santa Claus does not have a specific route when delivering presents. On Christmas Eve he delivers presents all around the world after leaving the North Pole.
Basically ever since Jesus was born. The three wise men were forerunners to the more modern santa.