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Glands of Montgomery are sebaceous glands in the areola (of the nipple). The glands make oily secretions (lipoid fluid) to keep the areola and the nipple lubricated and protected. The portion of the gland on skin's surface is called Montgomery tubercles. The round bumps are found in the areola, but also on the nipple itself. They can become exposed and raised when the nipple is stimulated. The skin over the surface opening are lubricated and tend to be smoother than the rest of the areola. The tubercles become more pronounced during pregnancy. The number of glands varies from low of four to high of twenty-eight.[1] They are named after Dr. William Fetherstone Montgomery (1797-1859), an Irish obstetrician who first described them. The above is quoted from Wikipedia.

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Q: When does Montgomery glands start to show in early pregnancy Are the Montgomery glands around your areola or on your areola?
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Will you get bumps on your areolas if you are pregnant?

Yes. The bumps you're referring to are called Montgomery glands or Montgomery's tubercles, and they can become more prominent during pregnancy. These bumps can resemble pimples and can spread out sporadically around the areola. The number of the bumps can range anywhere from around four up to 28 or so per areola.

What do what are these strawberries doing on my nipples mean and can you show me a picture of the nipples?

These are Montgomery glands, also referred to as areolar glands. They are located in the areola area of the nipple. They vary in number and their function is to lubricate the nipple and the areola. The areola is the dark area around the nipple.

What is the brown around the nipple called?

It is called the areola.

What's the circle around the women's nipple?

The circle around a woman's nipple is called the areola. It is a darker, pigmented area of skin that surrounds the nipple and contains small bumps called Montgomery glands that secrete lubricating fluid during breastfeeding. The size and color of the areola can vary among individuals.

Why did a bump form on your nipple?

You could have an infected Montgomery gland. The Montgomery glands are the bumps on the areola around the nipples. An infected gland can swell and become painfully inflamed. The pain can be relieved by releasing the pus and keeping the area clean.

What is the colored area around the nipple called?

A nipple is a nipple, simple as that. The sometimes darker // pinker skin around the nipple is called the aureole.

What does the bumps around a girls nipple mean?

It is normal to have small bumps on the flat, brown part of your breast called the areola. These bumps are called Montgomery glands. They secrete oil that helps to lubricate the areola. They become slightly larger and slightly red/pink when you are pregnant and breastfeeding

Could Montgomery's tubercles with darkened areolas accompanied by hot flashes cramps bloating fatigue and eating more be signs of pregnancy?

Montgomery's tubercles are small "bumps" on the areola of the nipple. They contain subaceous sweat glands that lubricate the nipple. They have often been associated with the symptoms of pregnancy but are not a sure sign of pregnancy. Most common symptoms associated with pregnancy are nausea, vomiting, and breast tenderness, and missed a period.

What does it mean when you have lumps around the outside of your nipples?

Small lumps around the areola surrounding the nipple is normal, especially if the nipple is cold. The lumps are known as: Glands of Montgomery. If you are really concerned, or notice changes in a nipple, see your doctor.

If your nipples are slightly reddish and bumpy with little almost white bumps on it is this normal?

DON'T worry about those 'funny bumps' on the areola, those are supposed to be there; they are called Montgomery glands or areolar skin glands. Their function is partially unknown, but scientists suppose they are there to lubricate the nipple/areola area.

Are the Montgomery glands a confirm sign of pregnancy?

Not exactly. They are a good sign while accompanied by others. But there are hormonal issues that also stimulate the m glands.

Do men have Montgomery glands?

yes both men and women have Montgomery glands