I don't understand what being in college or what semester it is has to do with your credit.
Yes, but you have to start now to apply to get in.
August 27th
spring semester at SLCC starts January 10, 2011
Yes it does when you are a freshman in college .
1 Quarter is 9 weeks. So the second quarter of school starts October 17.
The semesters at El Paso Community College start at different times each year. For 2014, the first semester began on May 26th.
the Fall 2014 Semester at American River College in Sacramento, California, officially begins on 23 August. most Fall Classes hold their first sessions from 25 - 29 August.
If you are attending a college or university that operates on a semester system, then the next regular semester would start in either late August, or early September depending on on the school. However, registration could start anywhere from may through September once again depending on the school.
It depends on the specific college or university. Some start in latter August, while others start early September.
Classes Start Sept. 3 Fall Semester 2009. Check out the academic calendar located on their website. http://www.somerset.edu/students/admissions/calendar.htm
Go to college and medical school 12+ years