Depends on which people you are planning to tell. I suggest telling your partner before your stomach starts getting larger. Ease into it though, trying asking questions about if they wanted a kid, would they want a boy or girl. If you are planning to tell your parents or other family members, wait until both you and your partner (or in the case that your partner is an asswipe, you are) are ready for them to know.
Let you mom "announce" or tell other people she is pregnant. That is her role, not yours.
Pregnancy is usually not obvious at this stage. If you mean can medical people tell, then yes, they can tell from about three weeks.
Okay first of all how did you get pregnant at 10?
You can tell if a female is pregnant by the pink blotches on her belly. There should be one on either side.
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No, a baby cannot tell if you are pregnant.
Yes, pregnancy is noticeable at any age.
No. She does not have to by law. It is up to the woman to discuss with people she trusts and make the decision for herself.
You don't need to tell anyone if a dog is pregnant, but if you want to, you can tell the dog's owners.
sometimes you can tell but you can be on your period and still be pregnant
Write a letter or have someone with you when you tell. You can also get help from school if you are close to your teacher/schoolnurse/counselor etc.
A baby can not tell a woman is pregnant.