Right after you take the last pill of the first cycle, regardless of bleeding. Once you're on the pill, you just take the pills daily according to schedule.
No, it will become fully effective after about 10 days, and your cycle will adjust to the pill cycle. Always use a second method of contraception!
If you take your first pill on the first day of your period, you're covered from day one. If you start mid-cycle, your entire first pack is ineffective, and you can't count on it being effective until you start your second pack (and that's assuming you've taken all the pills in the first pack correctly).
If this is your first time taking birth control, you have several options on when to start:1. Take the first active pill of the package during the first 24 hours of your menstrual period.or2. Take your first pill today, regardless of where you are in your cycle. Use condoms until you have taken seven active pills.
You don't start with the sugar pills. You start with the first pill. If you are starting in the first days of your menstrual bleeding, you don't need to use a backup birth control method.
NO if you missed the first pill of your second week you need to take 2 pills for each day that you skipped the pill. if you missed more than one day in between pills take 2 pills then one a day for a week so that you are protected again
If you take a pill , then it may affect your cycle next month.
It may take a while but your body should go back to your regular cycles.
Going off the Pill shouldn't affect your menstrual cycle.
There is no such pill. Your period is part of your menstrual cycle, you cannot speed-up your cycle or skip phases of your cycle to make your period start earlier than it is due.
If you mean every day then yes, but starting it you only start taking the first pill of that pack a week after you took the one from your last pack, for example: You finished your first pill pack on Wednesday, your period arrives on Saturday, whether your period has finished or not by the following Wednesday then you start your second pill pack You don't have to take it on the first day of your period again, but you do have to take it every day like the first packet
Unscheduled bleeding is common in the first three months of the pill. It gets better with time. Continue taking the pill as scheduled regardless of bleeding.