Usually in the morning, at lunch, and before you go to bad. Consult with your doctor if you're not sure.
Yes. Just because you are on the "inactive" pills does not mean your birth control pills are not working. Just take them as directed.
There is no evidence that penis enlargement pills are efficacious, not matter what dosage you take
If you have missed your pill the day before, you should only take the missed pill as soon as you remember, and today's pill at the usual time, as directed in the FDA insert that came with your birth control pills.
It could tamper with why you have to take your pills anyway
It is ok to take them 2 times a day as long as you try the once a day first for about three days and if you feel that it is not helping then move up to two a day.
i have azithromyic pills 500mg i took day i took the other one do you have to do them at once??
You should take the birth control pill as directed regardless of bleeding. Take a pregnancy test if you missed pills in the previous cycle.
No, if you have taken the pills as directed you have been protected for over a month. BCP can cause periods to be very light. If you have missed any pills - take a pregnancy test to be sure.
Yes it does. I did it and my system was clean after five days. Take 3 pills three times a day. 9 a day
Take one or two pills in the morning every day before eating breakfast and drink a loooot of water. As your doctor if he or she thinks you should take your pills at a different time. GoodLuck :D
Yes you should be proctected provided that you are taking the pills at regular times everyday, but it is still a good idea to use a condom as well.