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One of my friends started lacting after about 18 week and I started after birth, But you usually get some seeping around 5 weeks. Now this isn't full on lactation, you just notice leaking.

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Q: When do you start lactating while pregnant?
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How do you start lactating?

The best way is to become pregnant to have a baby.

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She will start lactating very shortly before birth, often a few weeks prior to parturition.

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I am 18 years old and in a very active sexual relationship with my boyfriend. I want to know if I can lactate milk from my breasts as a sexual practice between him and myself.

Dog is lactating but not pregnant?

might be a false pregnancy.

Does a woman who has never given birth have breast milk?

The lactating can start when you are pregnant and after you've given birth and also after you've had an abortion. The hormones are the same.

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Do women lactate during period?

This is a weird question...If you think you are lactating then that means youre least 9 months pregnant. There is no way to be pregnant and have a period. Like i said...weird question. Bl4ckr0s3 ~ Well honestl yes it can happen. I had my period for 6 months while i was pregnant with my first child. I also was lactating. So yes it is possible, most just really don't know it apparently.

Im 12 years old is it normal that im lactating?

depends if your pregnant or not?

Does lactating after ivf mean you are pregnant?

after my embryo transfer on 05/01/2012....i got my periods on 25/1/2012....but now i am lactating.....i am very confused....

Do some teenage boys drink from their girlfriends breast?

Probably, but the only way to do that is for the girl to get pregnant first, so that her breasts will start lactating, then her boyfriend could, if he so chose, drink from them.

Why do you get white discharge from your nipples when you press them it is normal or it is bad?

It is not bad it is called lactating. It is normal if you are pregnant.

Im due in less than 14 days when should I start lactating?

Some are already lactating at this time and some lactates after delivery.