She can get pregnant at any time but the most fertile time is 14 days after her last period finished up until the next one starts
A young girl is usually fertile some time after her first period. She is still too young. Take your temperature everyday first thing in the morning. After three months, this should give you a good idea of when you are most fertile. Your temp wil be slightly elevated for three or four days in a row when you are ovulating.
yes, if the girl is fertile.
until menopause.
It was know for farming because Fertile means farmland
If you assume she is fertile, you will have very few problems.
It Depends To Your Mate :D
Here is what i know some of it i forget, it provided fertile crops.
No that means that they are fertile.
No, you become fertile after your period. ITs called a menstruel cycle because you menstrate first, then ovulate.
Two weeks after your period
Fertile eggs