If there is no clinical reason for your miscarrying, there has been no research to support the idea that miscarrying once will increase the chances of it happening again.
yes. Home pegnancy test, or pee test, test the pregnancy hormones in your body. Though u may be miscarrying, your body will still have the hormone.
Miscarrying is usually accompanied by abdominal pain, pelvic cramps, and sometimes lower back pain.
Hi, You could be miscarrying yes hun. I am very very sorry.
a weak uterus
Yes - take a test It just means you're ovulating. You usually ovulate a week before your menstrual cycle. No worries. If you were pregnant you wouldn't be having white discharge; only if you were miscarrying, and you'd know if you were miscarrying.
If you're pregnant, you'll have a positive urine pregnancy test, even if you're miscarrying. That's the cheap and easy way to tell.
If on the toilet then flush it. If not clean it up with bleach
Hello. Because you're experiencing red spotting with stomach stitches, you may be miscarrying. Its really difficult to say hun. I sincerly hope you're not miscarrying. Please go to hospital now and they will see if your pregnancy is viable and make sure everything is ok.
Yes. Have you taken a pregnancy test? You also could be miscarrying.
Pregnancy on the contraceptive implant is rare. If you are pregnant or miscarrying, your pregnancy test will be positive.