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If you believe in Santa then he delivers them on Xmas Eve and you open them on Xmas Day, if not it should get to your home on Xmas Eve and you open them on Xmas Day.

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Q: When do you get your presents on Christmas or Christmas Eve?
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When does santa come and give presents to kids?

on the night of Christmas eve

Do Spanish children get their Christmas presents on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day?

xmas eve!

How is Italian Christmas different to your Christmas?

you get your presents on Christmas eve

Do you open presents on Christrmas or Christmas eve?

No, some people open their presents on Christmas Day, some on Christmas Eve.

If you had a choice to open your presents on Christmas Eve or Christmas what would you do?

if you had choice to open your presents on chirstmas eve or Christmas day i think the best choice would be on Christmas eve. why because you can use them the next day.

Can you unwrap presents in Christmas eve?

Unless you can't on Christmas, no.

When do the Germans go to church at Christmas?

In Germany it is customary to open Christmas presents on Christmas Eve.

What does santa use to deliver presents?

He delivers presents on Christmas eve at midnight.

Do people wrap presents in Christmas Eve or Christmas Day?

Christmas Eve, if not before that and all the little children go to sleep and people put presents under their Christmas tree and when they wake up they get gifts.

Who leaves presents on Christmas Eve?

santa clause:L

Do Christians open presents on Christmas eve?


Who is Santa in Christmas?

Santa is the 1 who brings your presents on Christmas eve nights