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December 24th, unless the people are pagan.

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Q: When do the nordic countries celebrate Christmas?
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Nordic countries tend to celebrate christmas chiefly on which date?

Nordic countries tend to celebrate Christmas in the evening on December 24 which is Christmas Eve. Nordic people in Europe have done this since before Christianity adopted the holiday.

When do nordic countries crelebrate Christmas?

Nordic countries celebrate Christmas on the 24th of December. Days before that preparations for food, decorations, and shopping for gifts occur. This is like the festivities in other parts of the world.

What countries celebrate Christmas other then December?

What countries celebrate Christmas other then December? Or What countries don't Celebrate Christmas at all?

When is Christmas in nordic countries?

December 24. in the evening.

Which countries celebrate Christmas on January 7?

ussian countries celebrate Christmas on January 7th.

How many counties celebrate Christmas?

It isn't Counties (or Countries) that celebrate Christmas. It is people.

Do kurdish people celebrate Christmas?

It depends ...some do and some do not celebrate Christmas (just like in western countries).

Is Christmas celebrated in one country or many countries?

No, not generally. Only countries with a strong Christian heritage celebrate Christmas, as it is the celebration of Jesus' birth. Muslim, countries in particular do not celebrate Christmas but perhaps a few individual Christians or westerners would even in a Mulism country.

Does everybody around the world celebrate Christmas like the US?

No, not every country celebrates Christmas like the US. Although some countries do celebrate Christmas like the US does. No, not every country celebrates Christmas like the US. Although some countries do celebrate Christmas like the US does.

Who all celebrate Christmas?

Countries that have a Christian background

Do different countries celebrate Christmas in ways that are different from the celebrations in the US?

one way countries celebrate Christmas different from the U.S is .That not every puts stockings up

Why do people in Brazil celebrate Christmas?

most countries do celebrate chrismas, why do you ask?