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It takes a couple of months for the hormones to settle.

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Q: When do pregnancy symptoms go after a miscarry?
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Can you have morning sickness and still miscarry?

If you had a scan that told you you would miscarry, it may be that your dates are wrong or something. If you have had no bleeding and have started having symptoms of pregnancy go back to your doctor.

Does bleeding with all the symptoms of pregnancy mean a miscarriage?

No it doesn't necessarily mean you will miscarry but all bleeding during pregnancy needs to be evaluated by a doctor.

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Can you not miscarry after 12 weeks?

You can miscarry through the entire pregnancy but it's most common during the first trimester.

Can you miscarry after 12 weeks?

You can miscarry through the entire pregnancy but it's most common during the first trimester.

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No you can not.

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Can pregnancy symptoms come and go in early pregnancy?

Yes some people do experience this in their pregnancy.

What if a pregnancy test says your not pregnant and you have all the symptoms of as pregnancy?

Go to your doctor.

How far into a pregnancy can you miscarry?

You can lose a baby at any stage of pregnancy, but it isn't called a miscarriage after a certain point. By far the most common time to miscarry is in the first twelve weeks of pregnancy. After that, the chances drop off considerably.

Is a period during pregnancy and pregnancy symptoms hereditary?

A period during pregnancy is not hereditary however it is never a normal period. It's simply a light period or vaginal bleeding. Pregnancy symptoms are not hereditary. Every woman will experience different pregnancy symptoms and the same woman may have different symptoms in different pregnancies. There are things that go on during pregnancy which can be symptomatic and hereditary, but these are separate from the symptoms which indicate pregnancy.

Can pregnancy symptoms stop and restart in the first two months of pregnancy I had a late light period and pregnancy symptoms then no symptoms and the month after positive pregnant test?

Yes - go to the doctor and ask them to do a test because it is more reliable