It depends on the individual. I was brought up in the 40s and 50s and my first kiss was at 14. Before that I looked at boys, but was shy and terrified all at the same time. You brought back fond memories for me because when young my girlfriends and I would practice kissing the mirror and our hands. After all, we wanted to be sophisticated enough for that first kiss. LOL
Answerwhen i got mine i was ten at the carindale pcyc worse it was tongue!!!!!!!!!!!! i hated it completley and never aloud to go there again until i was 13LOL
I move from city to city because my dad is in the army. I move from Detroit to LA to even Reno,NA. i had my first kiss at age 8 and it was a smacker!!
It doesn't matter when you get your first kiss. Most people get their first kiss at teenage periods. They feel or think that they are in love and are ready for that step. If you think that is the time in your relationship, then go ahead and kiss them!
The most popular age for a first kiss tends to be around 15-16 years old, as this is a time when many teenagers start exploring romantic relationships and physical intimacy. However, the age can vary greatly from person to person based on cultural, personal, and individual factors.
because its ur first kiss
It's okay. Most people don't get their first kiss until they are older. It's not something you should entirely worry about. When the time comes you will have your first kiss. And hopefully it will be an amazing experience.
That really depends on what you and your boyfriend/girlfriend like. Most people like the kiss to change speeds however.
In most public schools, people kiss... Maybe not full on make out, but people do kiss in school.
Usually most people kiss their (boyfriend,girlfriend,husband,or wife) on the lips or the cheek.
actually only 5% of people kiss on there first date 72% of people kiss on there 4th week of dating
A French Kiss is an open mouth kiss that involves moving your tongue in and out of your partner's mouth as they do the same. It is a kind of kiss that requires practice and most people find it sloppy and unpleasant at first.
most people :)
They do kiss sometimes, but most likely not to make out. The first kiss was an underwater kiss.
Not everyone will feel sick after their first kiss but some people might. A first kiss can be very exciting, and you might be nervous beforehand, and nerves and excitement can make you feel sick. Feeling sick after a first kiss isn't compulsory though, and most people just enjoy the moment.