Girls start their menstrual cycle when they grow public hair and develop breasts. When you spot white stains in your clothing that's when you've begun the cycle. If you'd like to avoid these markings in your undergarments start wearing pads.
It is their menstrual cycle period.
Your menstrual cycle starts by itself when it is ready to do so, as long as you're healthy it will start by itself. There's no reason for you to try to do something to start your menstrual cycle again.
The menstrual cycle starts with menstruation. The firswt day of your menstrual cycle is considered to be the first day of true bleeding during your menstrual phase.
Girls don't have cherries and nothing gets popped. A girls hymen can be torn from vaginal penetration at any time, this has absolutely no relation to the menstrual cycle and has no effect on the menstrual cycle - thus her period will start when it is due, and if that happened to be after her hymen was torn then that's when it will start.
A girl can start her menstrual cycle from when she is about 9 years old any where through to when she is 16 years old.
The first menstruation can be as young as 9. In the US the average age for girls to start menstruating is 12.
No, when you start your period is determined by your menstrual cycle - cinnamon does not and cannot effect your menstrual cycle. Your period comes when it is due.
No - the menstrual cycle is the entire reproductive cycle that women experience all the time, if you are asking specifically about menstruation then that can start during the day or overnight.
You can't help to start your menstrual period, it will only start when it is due to start. Your menstrual period is controlled by your menstrual cycle, a domino affect of hormonal changes within your reproductive organs, you can't skip phases of your cycle or speed it up to start menstruation early.
You can't make your menstrual cycle start earlier than it is supposed to start. Menstrual cycles are controlled by a domino effect of hormonal changes, you can't speed-up or skip phases of your cycle.
There is no cause.