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I don't know when you conceived because I don't know when you had sex.

Anyhow, if May 12 was your first day of last period then May 12 is your first day. June 12, then, would be 4 weeks pregnant IF you conceived after May 12 & before June 12.

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Q: When did you conceieve if your last period was May 12th and you missed your period for June?
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As the question was asked on the 12th of June 2012, the answer is Sunday the 12th of June 1994.As the question was asked on the 12th of June 2012, the answer is Sunday the 12th of June 1994.As the question was asked on the 12th of June 2012, the answer is Sunday the 12th of June 1994.As the question was asked on the 12th of June 2012, the answer is Sunday the 12th of June 1994.As the question was asked on the 12th of June 2012, the answer is Sunday the 12th of June 1994.As the question was asked on the 12th of June 2012, the answer is Sunday the 12th of June 1994.As the question was asked on the 12th of June 2012, the answer is Sunday the 12th of June 1994.As the question was asked on the 12th of June 2012, the answer is Sunday the 12th of June 1994.As the question was asked on the 12th of June 2012, the answer is Sunday the 12th of June 1994.As the question was asked on the 12th of June 2012, the answer is Sunday the 12th of June 1994.As the question was asked on the 12th of June 2012, the answer is Sunday the 12th of June 1994.

You are 36years old period started on June 12 to 16th was spotted blood the hole time are you pregnant?

i had my period on the 12th of June and finished on the 16th of June which was 12 days ago now. during the 12th and 16th my period was spots of blood it was not a normal period.i am thinking that i might be pregnant but not sure?

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12th June 1983 was a Sunday.

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12th June 1976 was a Saturday.

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June 12th, 1959 was a Friday.

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12th June 1949 fall on: Sunday.

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June 12th, 1946 was a Wednesday.

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middle of June would be when the baby is conceived

If you had your period in June 2007 and sex in the same month but missed your period in July 2007 and again had sex when did you get pregnant?

depends when your last period started, but it somewhere after your period in June or in July but a cool tool that helped me is and they have a est due date caculator and alls u answer is last period! good luck!!

Is the twelfth of June the correct way to spell?

No, the correct way to write the date would be "June 12th" or "12th of June."

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June 12th, 1991 was a Wednesday.