One of the first toys made by Fisher Price in 1932 was a toy called "Puppy Bak-Up". This was a wooden dog that had a spring in each leg. When the child pushed on the back of the puppy, the puppy would seem to walk across the floor.
You can purchase a new Leapfrog toy at local department retailers such as Walmart, Sears. Alternatively, you can purchase the Leapfrog online at Amazon and Indigo.
Legos, LeapFrog
Yes the LeapFrog electronic toy is a smart choice for children. It improves their literacy or help them start with their beginner programs. In addition, it allows parents to insert e-books into the device for additional education.
Leapfrog is an excellent education tool. The educational console helps improve reading, writing, math,science and more. In 2012, Leapfrog was voted Toy of the Year.
The Leapfrog Leapster Explorer is a great choice of educational toy for a youngster, although of course its suitability will depend on the child's age.
The LeapFrog Word Whammer is an educational toy also known as the Fridge Magnetic Word Builder. More information on this and other LeapFrog products can be found on the LeapFrog website.
The Leapfrog Leappad 2 is an educational toy. It allows children to have fun, be creative and imagine with the wide variety of educational, educator approved applications on this tablet!
The LeapFrog Imagination Desk is a learning toy for children. Children can learn to count, spell and draw through the games, characters, and music built into this toy.
I highly suggest Leapfrog Explorer. The best place to purchase this is Toys-r-us for a constant stocked Leapfrog Explorer. However, Target, Walmart, and other toy stores also carry the leapfrog explorer.
When a LeapFrog is connected to a computer the user is offered more library access which is unlimited, allowing for unlimited play.
LeapFrog makes a great line of education toys for young children. The LeapFrog Explorer is sold by many toy shops that sell electronic toys including Toys R Us.
Leapfrog reading set