The first Blackberry was released by RIM in the year of 1996.The device, called the RIM 900 (also known as Inter@ctive Pager) featured a full QWERTY keyboard and a small black and white screen.
The Blackberry Curve 8520 was first announced around July 2009. It was actually released August 2009.
The first ever blackberry was the blackberry pearl smartphone
Special Blackberry headsets are easy to come by. The official Blackberry website is a good place to start if online is the first choice. Electronics stores are also a good way to go.
the first blackberry ever made was callled sd900 Actually, the 5800 was the first blackberry phone
Yes, some Blackberry devices come in purple.
it actually depends what model it is.
November 23rd 2008 in the United States. Blackberry made blackberry storm :)
"Yes, the majority of blackberry products do come in some shade of pink. Those few blackberry phones that do not come in pink do have a variety of pink shells or cases available."
from the ground
Yes, yes it does :)
no. the blackberry storm is only compatible with your finger.
almost all modern blackberry smartphones nowadays have BBM, so it does have it, and if it doesn't come with the phone, you can download it from BlackBerry App World or from the BlackBerry official site.