

Best Answer

Most readers of history believe that it was the 11th century,maybe just a bit earlier.

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Q: When did the chinese make gun powder?
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Who invented Chinese gun powder?

The Chinese in the 9th century.

Who invented Gun pwoeder?

Gun POWDER was invented by the Chinese

What does Innovations of Chinese mean?

This means what inventions did the Chinese make. example: compas gun powder wheel barrel -ebush

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What did chinese use gun powder for?

Fireworks and firearms

What did the Chinese use gun powder for?

Fireworks originally.

Who inverted gun powder?

The ancient Chinese civilization.

Who made gun power?

If you mean Gun Powder, mostl likely the Chinese.

Who invinted gun powder?

Invented; most likely the Chinese

Who made gun powder?

The Chinese by at least the 9th century CE.

Which country invented compass and gun powder?

The Chinese

What did the Ancient Chinese invent that you still use today?

Gun Powder