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The Shaytards channel was made on October 2nd 2008, but the everyday vlog started on March 5th 2009. Today, March 5th 2011 is the 2 year anniversary of Shaytards vlogs :)

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Related questions

Where do the shaytards live?

The Shaytards live in Idaho.

What is a Shaytards?

Well first off I love the shaytards..... and its not really "what" they are its "who" they are well anyway the shaytards are a family and they're names are Babytard Rocktard Sontard Princesstard Mommytard and then Shaycarl they make daily vlogs of there life on Youtube They are hilarious you should check out they're videos(:

What is the shaytards song called?

Do you mean the song by Nice Peter? If so its called Shaycarl and the Shaytards The one by terabrite really has no name. Its just called Shaytards intro or whatever you want to call it.

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No, they are Mormons.

Where do shaytards live?

"The Shaytards" (a.k.a. Shay Carl and his family) live in Los Angeles, California, and Pocatello, Idaho.

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What is shaytard?

Well first off I love the shaytards..... and its not really "what" they are its "who" they are well anyway the shaytards are a family and they're names are Babytard Rocktard Sontard Princesstard Mommytard and then Shaycarl they make daily vlogs of there life on YouTube They are hilarious you should check out they're videos(:

what city does the shaytards live in?

Los Angeles California

Is shaytards on YouTube popular?

Yes, the Shaytards on YouTube are very popular, as they get over 100,000 views per video. Also, they have 960,000 people that have subscribed to see their content.