Gay people do not "become" gay. Sexual orientation is fixed at a very early age, possibly birth or prenatally. There have been gay people since the dawn of humanity.
They aren't. It is actually impossible to become gay. But society is becoming more accepting of gay people, and they are not hiding it as much as they used to.
There are no rules against gay people becoming masons, but acceptance will vary, depending on the region of the country.
There have been gay people long before there were countries. The first "country" in the world, whatever that was, would have had gay people in it.
There is a 0% chance of becoming gay. No one can become gay. You are either born gay or you are not.There is about a 3% to 8% chance that a child will be born gay.
Being gay never "got started." It is not an invention, or a fad, or anything new. Homosexuality has been around for as long as heterosexuality has, and in Hillary Clinton's words, "Being gay is not a western invention, it is a human reality." Gay people are just as natural and historically present as straight people.
if anyone is going to answer saying its ok to be gay and you shouldn't worry about what other people think then don't bother, its not what I'm looking for !
Gay rights first became public in 1969. But it wasn't until the 2000's that gay people started demanding full equal rights.
The Catholic Church never started marrying gays.
minority youths are becoming part of the workforce; gay men and lesbians are becoming an important part of the workforce and marketplace; people with disabilities are also increasingly entering the labor force; and business is becoming more global.
Homophobia is the name of the phobia relating to the fear of homosexuality or becoming gay; however, the term is used more often to refer to bigotry against gay people.
Increasing population and the fact that it is becoming acceptable in society. There is nothing wrong with it and society is becoming more accomadating to the idea that there are many gay people out there.
I think it is. I'm bisexual and I'm cool with it, though I haven't told my parents since I don't know how they will react. Note that you shouldn't turn bisexual just because your friends are or because it seems like the cool thing to do. I found out I was bisexual when I started becoming attracted to my friends, whom I thought was straight, but I asked her out anyways and she said yes.