The zip code for Salem, NH is 03079.
It is rumored, yes, as the Demoulas company has purchased the old LL Bean building.
The distance between Salem, NH and Quincy, MA is approximately 75 miles by car.
The address of the Salem Museum is: 310 Main St, Salem, NH 03079-2498
To Salem OR: Over 2 days To Salem MA: Just over half an hour To Salem NH: About 3 quarters of an hour
There are two Michael W. Petrilli's of Salem, NH. One is senior whom currently lives in Salem and the second, is his oldest son Michael W. Petrilli II who currently lives in Dracut, MA as a Firefighter.
The Boston Express connects to the following locations. Concord NH, Downtown Manchester, North Londonderry NH, Londonderry NH, Salem NH, Nashua NH, Tyngsboro NH, Boston South station and Logan Airport (BOS).
Yes you can
The phone number for the Lovesac store in Salem in NH is (603) 890-6206. The Lovesac store is a furniture store that sells furniture and other products like bean bag chairs.